Southern Authors Interview With John Achor - Archives

Southern Authors Interview With John Achor - Archives

Interview With John Achor @CaseyFremont

John Achor, auhor of “One, Two - Kill a Few”

When did you start writing and what inspired you to start?

I recall giving sci-fi and westerns a shot when I was in my teens. That start didn’t take. Sling-shot ahead to the late 80s when I began to get serious, well semi-serious. The 90s became more productive and I’ve been writing at a steady rate since we passed the millennium.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

Along with these books (novels) I must have fifty or sixty short stories on my computer. I’ve written five novels; the first two were male protagonist, third person thrillers. My latest three (third one nearly complete) are a female protagonist, first person in a mystery series. Hard to pick, but if I had to, I think I would chose the first mystery “One, Two – Kill a Few.”

“Sell” your latest book in 120 characters – Tweet style

Casey’s goal of personal and mental renewal becomes one of staying alive as she solves a riddle of murder and mayhem.

The current trend in publishing is toward series novels as opposed to stand-alone books. Is your most recent release part of a series? If so, where do you see the story going (ie how many books in the series)? If not, do you have a series you’ve written or plan to write, and if so, what is it?

My mystery novels are a series and the two thrillers feature the same protagonist. Sue Grafton has the alphabet tied up, Janet Evanovich has dibs on numbering, so I chose titles that follow an old nursery rhyme: “One, Two – Kill a Few,” “Three, Four – Kill Some More,” and “Five, Six – Deadly Mix.”

When your latest title is adapted to film, and the producers ask for your dream cast, what will you say?

From the beginning of the mystery series, I saw Sandra Bullock as my character Casey Fremont. Since she has her own production company, I sent a letter to Bullock offering the book even before it was picked up to be published. I knew it was a long shot, and it was. I doubt she ever saw the letter. To be honest, I haven’t give the male lead(s) much thought. That might make a good contest. Here are three to consider: George Clooney, Liam Neeson and Kevin Spacey.

Is there a message in your book that you want readers to grasp?

Casey is struggling to regain her self esteem after a disastrous marriage. She has her ups and downs, and when she is swinging toward the low side, Keep on Keeping On is her mantra.

Do you have a new book coming out soon?

“One, Two – Kill a Few” is out in trade paperback (and eBook). “Three, Four – Kill Some More” should be released after the first of the year; 2015

Who are some of the authors you particularly admire or who’ve had some influence on your own writing?

James Patterson (Alex Cross series). Jeffery Deaver (quadriplegic detective in “The Bone Collector,” “Coffin Dancer,” etc.), James Patterson (Harry Bosch series) and Lee Child (the Jack Reacher series). I’ve already mentioned my two favorite lady mystery writers.

List your favorite quotation or words you live by.

I suppose the one I used above: Keep on Keeping On, and this one is not original with me, however it is a truism: Before it’s published, never, never let anyone you call honey or anyone you sleep with read your words.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Keep your sense of humor, maintain a belief in yourself, keep your muse close and never stop writing.


Learn more about and connect with John Achor on his author page and read the book spotlight on “One, Two – Kill a Few” this Thursday.

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